Through the media, you can always words like no carb diet low carb or hear, sometimes that carbohydrates are good for you and sometimes they are really bad here, they cause obesity.
But no matter what anyone says, your body really needs the carbs. They produce glucose, which our energy. Not only that energy feeds our brains, but our muscles. If you want to know what carbohydrates, you simply take a look at moving carsaround. You also need energy to move us, and they take it out of gas. Our body takes it from glucose.
It is so easy.
Now you know, we need this form of energy to keep us going like Energizer bunnies. What many people are confused about is the bad carbs and good carbs.
So, what exactly do carbohydrates for our bodies?
I do not want to complicate things, but you need to know that those bad carbohydrates, which turn to glucose quickly. This is will cause our insulin levelsYou will feel a cool energy burst, but after a short time you return to feel tired.
For normal people this outbreak is not healthy and its root cause people are overweight. And the reason is because the carb is not going to keep energy and your body will ask for more of this energy - so you eat a lot more bad decisions.
Sampling of foods that it's all those bad carbohydrates are processed with sugar, such as coke, white bread, biscuits, chocolate, cakesetc. ..
Good carbohydrates have the ability to hold the full for a long time. So, if you take the good carbohydrates, your body time to release the energy needed for certain activity. In this way, you have the feeling that you are after two hours or more are full.
If you are eating these good carbs metabolism levels in more fat burning mode instead of fat storage mode. So, if you eat smaller foods that are good sugar, you will burn fat, have big Energy and you never feel tired again.
The best carbohydrates are good, with small and middle levels of glycemic index or GI. Like the whole wheat, nuts, cantaloupe, carrots, etc. .. You can find a lot of books on all the food in the glycemic index.
As you can see what carbohydrates do for our bodies is extremely important if you know which are good and which are bad. We need carbohydrates to function properly, do not listen to the weight loss gurus who try, you might want to>low carb diet. Like for example Atkins Diet.You will get really cranky and will not have enough energy to help you finish your daily tasks.
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